Reach thousands of buyers across EMEA

We aggregate steel demand across Europe and buy from you directly.

Send us your material lists at

We will get back to you in 72 hours or less.

No registration required.

Types of material we can buy from you


Prime Steel

High quality material with certification.

Slow Movers

Stock held in inventory for too long.


Material produced in excess.

Declassified Material

Material with quality issues.

Semi-finished Excess

Material that needs further processing to finished steel.

Non-standard Dimensions

Heads and tails, strips, and other cut-offs

Not sure if we can buy your non-prime material?

We probably can! Check out our leaflet below.


Benefits for Sellers

Instant Access

Access spot demand from our 3000+ buyers, from prime to 2nd choice!

Price Feedback

We aim to provide you with a price feedback in less than 72 hours.
Financing Services
We negotiate payment terms with the buyer directly, eliminating your financial risk.
Smooth Logistics
We take care of logistics through a trusted  network of 200+ logistics partners.

How Vanilla Steel Works

Send us your material

Mail us your lists at any time and in any format

Get an offer

We will come back to you with a feedback in 72 hours or less
Sell directly to us
We buy from you directly, no need to onboard new customers
We handle payments and logistics
We eliminate your financial risk and ensure smooth logistics!

Still got questions?